Wireframes & Prototypes

Exchange website “Peninsula de Oportunidades”

At University, we were tasked with creating the wireframe for a website where students could learn more about studying abroad.

Weather App at She Codes

During my course at SheCodes, before building my Weather App, I had to create a prototype for the app. Considering it was created with InVision and the website has shut down, I had no way of recovering my wireframes, which is a shame.

UX/UI Course at IEFP

For my course at IEFP about UX/UI, I had to build several prototypes, one about a cookie business, which you can check below:

The other prototype was an E-Commerce website, which I chose to make a website that sold art and illustrations/posters.

Below you can find a wireframe:

And here you can find a high fidelity prototype: